Saturday, May 29, 2010


That's pretty much all I can write about at the moment. The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain. And elsewhere? In central Europe, massive floods. In Germany, very cold and miserable. And here in Sydney it's been raining every day since I came back from Broome two weeks ago, except for two days. Life is dreary and in this weather I need all my efforts, and lots of hot drinks and baths, to keep my spirits up. I wish they had a Therme here like those we have in Germany.

For some cultural uplift, I visited (again) the Art Gallery of NSW. It's not too big, but free entrance, and features a nice selection of classic art, which I like better than the modern art.

The rain photo above is (c) by dejan markesevic.


Anonymous said...

First you arrive in Sydney then 244 posts later you are working in Sydney, Wow, you had a very fun experience in Sydney to stay in Australia for that long.

Anonymous said...

Hallo Martin,
auch wir können von viel Regen aus dem Erzgebirge erzählen. Dazu wars oft noch kalt, so sagte man uns: Bei uns im "Aartsgebirg" ist immer Winter! In Dresden-Kultur und schönste Stadt Deutschlands- wars aber warm und ein wenig sonnig.
L.G. Mama und Papa

Martin Maurer said...

Dejan, was that first comment you?

Anonymous said...

Mabey....., Mabey Not.....

You might find out soon...


Someone... :)