Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Now that I have booked my return flight I could count the number of days, and the result is that I will be exactly 333 days below the equator. The midpoint of that period, according to the calendar, is the 2nd of June, which is today!

To celebrate this point, I decided to take a "half-time break" and leave Australia for 2 weeks. New Zealand is too cold now in winter, so the two destinations that lent themselves due to their proximity to here are Bali and Fiji. I know Bali is beautiful, but I decided to go for the more exotic-pacific island Fiji!

Cori, whose work in Adelaide (she did the website and e-mail orders for a bra warehouse) comes to an end, will come up here and join me, so we can travel Fiji (low-budget) together. I'm very much looking forward to that trip and hope for some sunny beaches there. We booked the flight Brisbane to Nadi (pronounced [na.ndi], which is the main airport on Fiji) on 11 June, and return on 27 June.

The picture I'm sharing with you today is of three postcards from my home town Augsburg that reached me here in Down Under. Many thanks to the senders -- Brigitte, Paul and Sabiene -- and thanks to Moni who had come up with and organized the idea on my farewell party last year!


Cori said...

Yeah, am looking forward to get hot and sunny days :)) and the ocean and and and .. see u wednesday .. Cori :))

Anonymous said...

Hallihallo! Der Neid fliegt um die halbe Welt... ;o)
Die Karten haben mich daran erinnert dass ich im Juni dran bin - which is now... and I'm going to find out where I have to send it to. Natürlich könntest du mir dahingehend einen guten Rat geben?? Liebe Grüße Ziggy

Mathias Everson said...

To Martin

We have just set up Skype so could
you please send us your skype user name.

Martin Maurer said...

Hallo Ziggy,

Schreibst du mir eine Mail an martinmaurer73-aet-gmail.com? Dann geb ich dir die Adresse hier in Brisbane.

Lieben Gruss zurueck! (Und danke fuer den Neid *g* :D)