Monday, November 10, 2008

Konrad von Maurer

This posting has nothing to do with my trip to Australia - well, not directly anyway, but perhaps indirectly. The man on the portrait is Konrad von Maurer (1823-1902), who was German scholar of nordic law and culture, a valued supporter of Iceland, and my great-great-grandfather.

For you who are reading this, the bald-headed, white-bearded man is probably not too interesting, but for me he is an inspiration. He took a travel to Iceland in 1858, at a time where such a trip was an adventure. He was 35 years old when he made this journey: exactly the same age that I am now. The lost manuscript of his travelogue was found in my grandfather's cellar around the time when I was born. It has been published in Icelandic translation in 1997, but the German original is still unpublished.

I caught an interest in my ancestor's life and got in contact with Harmen Biró who is currently writing his thesis at Tübingen University on Konrad Maurer's travelogue, and Professor Kurt Schier from the Institute of Nordic Philology in Munich University who is a leading expert on Konrad Maurer. Both have been very helpful and so now I have a much clearer idea of my famous grandpa!


Unknown said...

Hi Martin,
my name is Hans MAURER and I found your blog when googling Konrad von Maurer, something I do every six months or so!
The reason I googled your ancestor is that I am conducting genealogical research within his wider sphere,as there are connections between his family and mine through marriage in the 18th century and we have tried for some years to find the reason for that connection - which in turn would assist in tracing the family back to its Swiss origins. Our Maurers are from Rheinhessen - Woellstein and Badenheim. I have Konrad von Maurer's family tree here, dating back to Michael Maurer in Hilsbach(born in the late 16th century.)
So, if you know of any hobby genealogists in your branch of the family I could get in touch with, I would be grateful.
I am, by the way, based in Auckland New Zealand, just a couple of hours away! We think of Australia as our West Island - although the Aussies can't quite see the joke.
I came here at 23 in 1981 and stayed!
I would be delighted to hear from you at
Best wishes and good luck in Australia
Hans Maurer

Martin Maurer said...

Hi Hans,

Sorry, I saw your comment just now. I e-mailed you.