Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Someone has asked me who the dog in the previous posting was, so please let me officially introduce Libby, the Everson family's whippet.

Mathias took this photo of Libby relaxing on the deck chair, and we remarked that it would look so cool if the dog wore sunglasses, and perhaps had a cocktail glass on the side. So Mathias (11) photoshopped the picture and it came out so funny that I'm sharing it here.

The days are really nice and sunny here at the moment, but the nights are freezing cold, so I'm very glad to sleep in a comfortable guestroom with floor heating. The outside temperatures go down to -1°C and the grass is white with frost in the mornings. And then by 9 or 10 a.m. the sun makes it really nice and warm again. The skies are mostly blue, so although the day/night temperatures are much the same, it's much better than a November in Germany. Libby sleeps in her kennel (Hundehütte), but it is well insulated, so she is okay.

Oh, and to answer another question: I was just asked by Srinivas, my Indian friend and faithful blog reader, about the meaning of "Schönegg". It is Swiss German and means "pretty corner". It is a very common name for gastronomy in Switzerland -- similar to "Bella Vista" in the Spanish speaking world. Evelyn and Richard have both spent several years in Switzerland, hence the name.

Here is Google's aerial and street view of Schönegg:

Bigger view

Bigger view


Anonymous said...

Hello Martin,

I read your blog. The font is a little bit strange. The dots at ö in the word schönegg are too fat. They had not the same size as the i dots. What the problem?


Martin Maurer said...

Hi Sam,

Thanks for informing me. I don't see that problem on my computer, it must be that your browser uses another font to display my blog, one which doesn't have the umlauts native, so it 'borrows' the umlauts from another font, that's why it looks so strange.

I have changed the text font in my blog settings from Trebuchet to Verdana... is it better now?

Anonymous said...

Hello Martin,

thanks for changing the textfont to verdana. Now my Firefox browser display the umlauts correct. Do you use MS Internet Explorer or Google Crome at your Computer?

Hava a nice trip.
