Wednesday, June 23, 2010

At work and after work

This is the view I have from my office window, taken on a sunny day. It does look surreal in a way, doesn't it? Just office buildings in all sizes and shapes, and no people visible -- although thousands of them are there -- just a lettering that says 'people'.

This strange place is North Sydney.

A different sight! Here's me with some of my colleagues on a Friday night after knocking off (Feierabend) in a pub in Sydney. We're all software specialists, but other than that we're very diverse. My boss (not in the picture) was born in Australia. All others come from somewhere else: from England, New Zealand, Mexico, South Africa, China, Germany (me) - and the Indian colleague was here for a short time only. And this cultural mix is very typical Australian.

By the way, that beer with the nice red colour is James Squire Amber Ale. It is brewed in Sydney and named after James Squire, a convict who was transported to Australia on the First Fleet in 1788. After serving his sentence, he became a free man and was the first to successfully brew beer with hops in Australia. His death in 1822 was marked with the biggest funeral ever held in the colony!


Anonymous said...

Hallo Martin,
na denn prost! Sehen alle sehr nett aus, deine Kollegen. Bei uns ist jetzt endlich Sommer! Und wir sind im Achtelfinale!
Schau doch mal deine Mails an.

Liebe Grüße

Anonymous said...

Ihr Armen,
das sieht mir vom Schaum her aus wie englisches Bier.

aus Bayern. Wir haben das echte Bier!

Martin Maurer said...

So schlecht ist Australisches Bier nicht mal, durchaus trinkbar, wenn man weiss welches die besseren Biere hier sind. Es sind ja auch unter anderem Deutsche Auswanderer gewesen, die ihre Braukunst hierher gebracht haben. Aber natuuueeerlich geht nix ueber ein gutes original Bayerisches Bier!