Friday, June 25, 2010

Computer crash

Yesterday night my laptop computer was infected by a virus. I did have anti-virus software running (avast), but it could not block or remove the virus.

It looked pretty bad and I decided to wipe the hard disk and reinstall the computer. And then, this morning, I had an idea how to turn the problem into an opportunity. Why not try to install Linux instead of Windows? I had a setup CD for Ubuntu 9.10 here.

This is something I wanted to do for a long time, so I should be thankful to the virus for giving me the trigger. I haven't worked with Linux for many years, and never with Ubuntu, so I will need some time to familiarise myself and find out how things work. But the first and most crucial obstacle is already taken: I successfully managed to connect to the Internet.


Anonymous said...

Hallo Martin,

da hast du ja einen schlechtes Anti-Virus-Programm erwischt.
Dann mal viel Spaß mit Linux.
Ach ja, du musst noch einen Tipp abgeben, wie das Spiel Deutschland gegen England ausgeht. ;-)


Martin Maurer said...

Zu spaet wegen dem Fussballtipp jetzt. Aber ich geb eh keine Tipps ab, ich schau einfach was passiert.

So schlecht find ich avast! gar nicht. Aber der eine Virus hat's halt irgendwie daran vorbei geschafft. Egal, sowas passiert halt manchmal, neuinstalliert und das Leben geht weiter.