Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Alex is here

My mate Alex from Germany has arrived. I said goodbye to my wwoofing hosts, picked him up from Brisbane Airport and we spent the first day in Brisbane (going in by train, walking in the CBD, Botanic Garden and Southside, and out again by train).

Today we visited Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. It's a small zoo and really nice, they have not only hundreds of koalas there but basically all the typical animals of Australia -- kangaroos, wombats, etc. Every half an hour was another show -- for example a shepherd dog demonstration (how the dog is trained to muster the sheep to wherever they shall go) and a bird of prey (Greifvogel) show. You can pet (streicheln) the kangaroos. And for $16 you could get a photo taken with a koala on your arm (which Alex did). In this picture you see me shearing a sheep!

In the afternoon we visited friends I made two weeks ago, a Taiwanese fruit & vegetable farmers family. They welcomed us chinese style with tea and snacks, then showed us around the farm and gave us so many fruits and vegetables as presents that we hardly could take them. Now we have a car full of mushrooms, sweet potatoes (Suesskartoffeln), salad, herbs, pawpaw (Papaya), a pumpkin, a yam (Yamswurzel), and some interesting fruit we don't even know the name of!


Anonymous said...

wo bleibt ein foto der unbekannten frucht? bin doch neugierig! und wie hat's geschmeckt? gruß ziggy

Anonymous said...

Hallo du Schafscherer, Biobauer und Fremdenführer,
Besuch aus der Heimat ist immer schön, besonders wenn nächste Woche Moni und Flo kommen.
l. G. Mama und Papa

Martin Maurer said...

@Ziggy: Die Frucht muss erst noch ausreifen, bevor man sie essen kann. Foto folgt dann!

@Mama und Papa: Ja, ich freu mich auch schon sehr darauf! Schoene Gruesse an euch die ihr daheim bleibt!