Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rainbow Love Farm

I'm at my next wwoofing place, near Kenilworth in the hills of the Sunshine Coast hinterland. Rainbow Love Farm is not a farm in the sense of a business. It is a private home of a young family (around my own age) with four children and a dog. They grow vegetables and fruit for their own needs. They have a blog and also a wwoofing blog. They just started wwoofing this year and I'm the second wwoofer they host.

Scott and Sally are making me feel very much at home here. I like the place. They have a very relaxed "live and let live" attitude that shows in everything. The property is a big playground for the children, a creative place that reminds me of the books of Janosch or the Villa Kunterbunt. Some buddhist and hinduist artefacts in the home and garden add a spiritual flair. Sally's cooking is vegetarian in the yummy Asian style that I love. They unfortunately have no accommodation for me in their small house, but I can sleep in my van and have a power lead connected so I can turn on the heater at night. This is really necessary because last night temperatures dropped down to frost: -1 degrees! Brrr!

The children here (aged 14, 10, 5 and 1), don't attend any school. They are homeschooled, but not in the usual sense of that word. Their education follows the philosophy of unschooling, which means there is no curriculum of any sort. Learning is playful and with zero pressure or expectations as to what is learned or when. Rules are kept to a necessary minimum and liberties to a maximum. We light campfires at night, play music (I'm practising the didgeridoo), and make our own games and toys.

I help with various chores around the house and garden. In the picture above you see me picking mandarines, they are fantastic: huge and sweet! In the past days Scott and I built a compost heap, renovated the bathroom, tiled the walkway, did some fence work, and various other jobs. Thus while I live here I can contribute my little share to building this place. It feels good.


Cori said...

Hey Martin, i tried to call u a few times but u r out of range .. But now i now u r good - keep having fun, all the best, talk to u soon. Cheers, Cori :))

Martin Maurer said...

Hi Cori,

Yes, I have no Vodafone reception here. :( But Optus (my Internet stick) works. How is your life? Any work to do for the rest of the month?