Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sold my car

That went quick! I put up an ad on Gumtree and waited this weekend for people to call me... and the first who saw it bought it.

So now I'm on foot again... and one less worry.

The photo shows last night, our new Korean housemate (Jade) made a special Korean dinner for us! I need to explain how that goes, I've never had something like this before: You make a kind of wrap. You take a lettuce leaf, put a Perilla leaf on top, then comes some rice, fried pork belly (Samgyeopsal), bean paste, and Kimchi. Roll it into a ball and stuff it into your mouth! Yum. And then you make the next one and so on...


Anonymous said...

Hallo Martin,

das ist ja sau schnell mit deinem Auto gegangen. Glückwunsch.


Martin Maurer said...

Ja, ist es. Danke!

Anonymous said...

Na hoffentlich hast Du einen guten Preis erzielt!
Gruß Papa

Anonymous said...

wann kommst du denn genau ? am 6. August wird gegrillt in Elisabeths Garten ! Gruß Ziggy

Martin Maurer said...

Oh klasse, Ziggy! Ich werd versuchen zu kommen.

Ich komme am 2.8. in Augsburg an. Und am 7.8. will ich selber ein Wiedersehens-Gartenfest feiern -- ihr seid alle dazu eingeladen! Also halte dir doch moeglichst den Samstagabend frei und du kannst es auch schon mal den anderen weitersagen. Infos dazu kommen bald per Mail.

Jade said...

Hey, Martin. I am happy that you enjoyed the Korean style dining :) your blog is amazing! I have never thought of having my personal place on the internet like this. I added your blog in the list of my favorite websites so I can come and see how you are going :D talk to you soon - Jade from next door

Martin Maurer said...

Thanks Jade! And your Korean BBQ dinner was fantastic! I'll never forget it!