Monday, August 24, 2009


Today Moni and Florian had their last day here at Cairns Zoo, watching a crocodile show. In the afternoon they returned their hired campervan and I took them to Cairns Airport. They will spend their last 5 days in Sydney and Brisbane and then fly back to Germany on Friday.

This picture was taken on Ellis Beach where we had great fun riding the waves on the bodyboards I had organized.

This is winter in Cairns! :) It's 30 degrees at noon and the sea is warm; the night temperatures are pleasant. No rain tomorrow. But believe it or not: We just saw on TV that right now it's hotter in Brisbane: they are sweltering at 35 degrees there!

I'm not (yet) alone again because another friend came to spend a week with me: Molly (whom I had met before in Brisbane). She is from China/Hong Kong and is here in Australia during her summer break from university. She has been wwoofing in Brisbane for 4 weeks and now she has a short holiday in Cairns.

We enjoyed the peaceful nature in the Cairns hinterland, seeing some lakes and waterfalls. Much better than the city!

Werner and Karola are still kindly hosting us; you have to admire their patience with 4 guests in the house! I have helped Werner to start up his own blog.


Anonymous said...

an Herrn Werner Schmidlin:
Lieber Herr Schmidlin,
wir sind die Eltern von Martin und Monika und finden es ganz super, dass Sie die jungen Leute so nett bei sich aufnehmen! Auch Ihr Blog ist sehr informativ. Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihrer Frau weiterhin so viel Enthusiasmus und gute Gesundheit!
Beste Grüße
Ingrid und Wolfgang Maurer

Anonymous said...

Hallo Martin,
wir haben vergeblich versucht, direkt an Werner Schmidlin den Comment zu schicken, daher an Dich zum Weiterleiten.
Dein Bericht und die tollen Fotos haben uns wieder sehr gefreut! Wir werden alles heute weitergeben! Schön, dass Du Dich so oft meldest, Du weißt ja, Eltern können nicht anders, als sich Gedanken um die Kinder machen! LG Mama und Papa

Werner Schmidlin said...

from Werner Schmidlin:
Thank you very much. We appreciate your comments.

Viele Gruesse von Werner und Karola!

Liz Welch said...

Glad you enjoyed your stay in North Queensland.Hope you will return.
Liz Welch.

Liz Welch said...

Hi again Martin,
If you return to Queensland,have alook at our Queensland Armchair Guide Travel Site.It will give you some good ideas for your next trip.
Please let your friends know about our site.
Liz Welch.