Sunday, August 23, 2009


Moni, Flori and I went out to the Great Barrier Reef again. This time we did not take an underwater camera, and this was a wise decision because the visibility wasn't as good as before anyway, since we were going in a smaller boat to the "Inner Reef" only and not to the "Outer Reef". But it was still good snorkeling there, and this time I even went Scuba-diving!

This was my first time to dive since 2 1/2 years, but I quickly remembered everything that's important and had an enjoyable dive, for 40 minutes down to 12 m at the deepest point. However I must say that the better corals and fish are up near the surface. So for the second go in the afternoon I went snorkeling again.

In the evening, we went to Festival Cairns. This is the first weekend of the festival, and being Saturday there were thousands of people and lots to see: a parade, a market, life music, and a beautiful fireworks!


Anonymous said...

Hat Mon und Flö nur geschnorchelt oder haben sie einen Kurztauchkurs belegt?

Martin Maurer said...

Moni und Flo haben nur geschnorchelt.

Gruss Martin