Saturday, August 8, 2009

The unknown fruit

I had been asked for a photo of the unknown fruit I had mentioned the other day. So here it is. Not very spectacular, I admit. Meanwhile I have identified and tried it. The fruit is called "chocolate pudding fruit" but its real name is "Black Sapote" or "Black Persimmon".

It is related to the Kaki fruit (Sharon fruit) but different in color: dark green outside, dark brown to black inside when ripe. It is also different in that it is very soft, creamy when ripe. Really a bit like chocolate pudding. The taste is not unpleasant but not very strong either. It has some inedible seeds embedded in the pulp like a Kaki.

Wikipedia says that it is native to Mexico. And I say that it doesn't surprise me that the fruit is not widely known in Europe. Its slobbery (matschige) texture means you can't cut or bite it. You need to spoon it out, and the black stuff looks about as pretty on your spoon as plum jam (but not as sweet).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vielen Dank für die Fotos und natürlich für die malerische Beschreibung, nun bin ich erst recht neugierig und hoffe dass ich so eine Frucht mal probieren kann.
Weiterhin schöne Zeit und gute Erlebnisse! Gruß Ziggy