Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Magdalena's Gugelhupf

Yesterday night the whole Everson family and I had been invited over to Magdalena's (Omi's) house for dinner. She had put all her love into this event, planning it for days, cooking for hours, and she had even baked her special famous cake, a Kaisergugelhupf with cinamon and 4 kinds of fruit in it.

The cake is also known here now as the "German Language Radio Cake" because Magdalena bakes it traditionally every year for the annual meeting of the people who are active in the Canberra German Radio programme (FM 91.1). We were also given a premiere preview of the poem that she will recite on the radio, together with Mathias and Katja, on 14th November.

Now that the weather has become nice, I could take some more photos of the beautiful scenery here. This is a hill in the distance we can see from the Schonegg terrace, in the nice evening light.

Now I'm off to do some more mowing. The grass on our property has grown so enormously from all the rain that the mower hardly gets through!


Anonymous said...

Schön, so ein Wiedersehen am Bild mit den Familien Stohrer und Everson.
Auch die "grüne" Umgebung ihres neuen Domizils ist neu!
Auch eine feine Tafel hat Magda aufgebaut, das Auge in der Ferne kann mitessen!
l. G. Papa

Anonymous said...

Was gab es den gutes?
Es sind nur der Reis und die Tomaten auf deinem Bild erkennbar.

Martin Maurer said...

Es gab Huehnerbrust im Blaetterteig mit Mangofuellung, dazu Reis, Sauce, gruene Bohnen, Tomaten und Maispuffer. Und zum Trinken einen Rose-Sekt von einem Winzer aus Murrumbateman.

Als Nachtisch dann den Kuchen mit Schlagsahne.