Sunday, October 18, 2009

Murrumbateman Field Days

This weekend (17th/18th October) Murrumbateman holds its biggest event of the year, the Murrumbateman Field Days. This is a huge open-air event, a combination of agricultural trade show (landwirtschaftliche Gewerbeschau), handicraft/machinery demonstrations, market and funfair (Volksfest). It was really very different and interesting to see.

They have lots of machinery, but also lots of farm animals -- various breed of cattle, sheep, alpacas, goats, chickens and the list goes on.

This thing here was an old steam engine vehicle, blowing steam and whistling.

We had great luck with the weather: after weeks of rain the sky finally brightened up and it became the first nice spring weekend of the year. Visitors come amass from Canberra and surroundings. The whole event took place, as the name suggests, on a field, and vistor parking was on the grass too -- but well organized and no mud thanks to the good weather.

The Eversons had a stand on the festival as well, in a tent, with brochures of Schonegg for advertisement and selling homemade gourmet jams. And our freebie were samples of a yummy apple slice (Apfelstreuselkuchen), with a copy of the recipe by Katja.

Maybe some of you in Germany would like to bake it too? The recipe is above.

Here are some cute sheep and lambs.

And these funny-looking fellows are freshly shorn alpacas. They have very soft, high quality wool -- and they can be eaten as well and taste like lamb, I have been told. They have interesting long necks and attracive faces with beautiful eyes.


Anonymous said...

Hallo lieber Martin,
schon lange nicht einen so ausführlichen Bericht über dieses für Murrumbateman so wichtige Ereignis gelesen. Durch den Link kann man sich alles bestens vorstellen.
L. G. Papa

Martin Maurer said...

Ja, es gab endlich mal wieder was Bloggenswertes mit vielen Fotos. Freut mich, dass euch das Posting gefaellt.

LG Martin

Anonymous said...

Hallo Martin,
ich würde ja gern das Spezialrezept von Katja nachbacken, aber sag doch einem Nicht-Aussie-Insider, was sind "rolled Oats"? - Auch der tolle Kuchen von der Magda sieht lecker aus, da habt Ihr ja mal richtig geschlemmt!
Liebe Grüße

Martin Maurer said...

Liebe Mama, "rolled Oats" sind ganz normale Haferflocken.

Gutes Gelingen beim Nachbacken!

Martin Maurer said...

Und 1 cup als Volumenmass beim Backen ist ein knapper Viertelliter (236 ccm).