Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bad weather

My good luck regarding the weather has left me. Just after Yamba, which was two days ago, it started to rain, and that has continued for nearly 48 hours. Not much rain, but the sky was overcast and temperatures dropped noticeably.

There was nothing really to do and so I killed time by driving, although I don't really look too much forward to going back to Sydney, into that rat race of traffic and noise and toll roads. How much nicer it is on a quiet camp spot such as this in the forest.

Today, Wednesday, I am experiencing a very special weather phenomenon, a dust storm. Apparently it is not just local but really big, it must be all over the NSW coast. The sky is dark and yellow-orange. Driving is difficult because of the high gusty winds, and the visibility has dropped to 500 metres.

The radio says that Sydney is affected by that dust storm too. The sky is red-orange there. The airports report delayed flights, some have closed and do not allow any incoming or exiting airplanes at the moment. Here is some news coverage from Sydney. It's the worst dust storm they had in 70 years. But there is no danger, it's just a bit of a nuisance and people might need to wash their cars.


Anonymous said...

Hallo Martin,

Die Bilder in den Nachrichtensendungen heute hier in Deutschland vom Sandsturm waren auch sehr beeindruckend.


Martin Maurer said...

Hallo Alex,

Jetzt ist jedenfalls der ganze Spuk schon wieder vorbei und blauer Himmel in Sydney.

Nur ein leichter Staubschleier liegt auf den Autos, aber nicht mehr. Keine Sandverwehungen oder sowas.