Wednesday, September 23, 2009


On the way south the road crosses a lot of wide rivers. One of the biggest is Clarence River.

This area is rather pretty, with marshlands, islands and such a wide river delta that it looks almost like a Mecklenburger Seenplatte, or like somewhere in Finland. But although it is a river and looks like a lake, this is saltwater.

At the mouth of Clarence River are two towns, Yamba on the south side and Iluka on the north side. There is a ferry operating between the two and it takes 30 minutes to go over. The whole area is very popular for fishing and boating.

The cliffs you see in this picture are at the headland at the mouth of the river.

These interesting looking "cones" are from a tree called Banksia which is common in Australia. I thought I'd share a picture because you people overseas may not know that plant. They are rather pretty, the yellow-white-orange flowers look like bottle brushes. The genus Banksia was named after the English botanist Joseph Banks, who collected the first Banksia specimens in 1770, during James Cook's first expedition.

Here is a view into a banksia tree.


Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,
das ist ja voll cool, wie bei dem ersten Bild in diesem Abschnitt die dreidimensionale Fotogalerie beim Draufclicken erscheint. Wie, wenn man durch eine Ausstellung läuft.
LG Anja

Martin Maurer said...

Hallo Anja,

Ich weiss jetzt erstmal gar nicht, was du meinst. Eigentlich geht da nur das Foto in voller Groesse auf.

*raetsel* hast du irgendeinen besonderen Browser?

LG Martin

Anonymous said...

hallo Martin,
nicht das ich wüsste, aber am linken unteren Rand des besagten Bildes ist ein Zeichen mit Pfeil und wenn man draufklickt erscheint eine dreidimensionale Photogalerie mit deinen Bildern...
LG Anja

Anonymous said...

Der Name ist "Cooliris", habe ich gerade gelesen