Saturday, April 25, 2009

Garage sale

We had a big garage sale today, on my initiation. I was joined by Michael, Treska and Adele from next door, so together we had a lot of things to sell. We had great luck with the weather and the sale went good. Everybody is happy. We also celebrated Lulu's 14th birthday with cake and all (Lulu is Michael's daughter).

I needed to get rid of some stuff because I will be moving out of my room next week. And you wouldn't believe how much stuff I actually had to sell: I was actually surprised myself. Well, most of these things I had not bought but they had come with the van, or from the side of the road.

One thing I never understood is why there are no garage sales in Germany. Does anyone have an answer? Please comment.

Today is a national holiday here, BTW, called Anzac Day. Australia and New Zealand together commemorate their war heroes (Kriegshelden) from World War I, with great pathos as every year. You can probably guess my thoughts on that if you read my older blog postings. I think all nations worldwide should commemorate the victims of the wars, above all. And not so much those men who had fired the guns and dropped the bombs (and in doing so risked their lives, of course, but that's what you get when you become a trained killer -- for a good cause, of course, such as defending your country or stopping an already raging war). It won't enter my head how nations in 2009 can still uphold this old black-and-white thinking of "our boys are heroes, the enemy's boys are bastards".

So instead of showing pictures of the Anzac Day dawn church services (Morgengottesdienste), the speeches, marches, medal awards (Medaillenverleihungen) or military parades, I'll show you a picture of a cool guy who is a new friend of mine. :)


Anonymous said...

Servus Martin,
Garagenverkäufe gibt es bei uns nicht, weil da die Straßen enger sind, und weil wir mehr Auswahl wollen. So ist wohl der Run auf die großen Flohmärkte zu verstehen. Und die kleinen Flohmärkte verschwinden nach kurzer Zeit wieder.

Kommentar zum letztes Bild: Es war unfair von dir, der Lulu die Haare wegzuenehmen! ;-)


Martin Maurer said...

Hi Alex,

Danke fuer den Kommentar -- interessante Theorie. Wobei ich glaube, dass die Leute schon kommen wuerden, wenn man in Deutschland einen Garagenverkauf machen wuerde. Sofern sie ueberhaupt wuessten, was das ist.

Martin Maurer said...

Haha... my parents yesterday asked me in all serious who the girl in the last picture was, and why I wrote "guy"? :D

Srinivas Garimella said...

Is that "girl" in the 3rd picture is you Martin ?

Looks like a rock star from early 80s ... :)