Tuesday, April 14, 2009

NSW speeding sign

New South Wales has different road signs from Victoria, and the one that catches your eye most is this one.

The message is interesting. My reading of this sign is something like this: "Males who drive a vehicle at a higher velocity than permitted have a small penis, in the opinion of good-looking blondes on the side of the road that watch them drive by."

Obviously the NSW government is of the opinion, or encourages the notion, that it is a shame for a man to have a small penis.


Martin Maurer said...

Incidentally, does the woman remind anyone else of the Venus by Botticelli too?

Anonymous said...

It's you, not the NSW Government that sees it that way. Psycho-analytically there may be s o m e big (dominating) guys who are telling the world about a penis, but what of it? If they have to boast, its not much value.

And, yes, I can see a hint of Venus there.