Sunday, April 19, 2009


After a few days in an emotional low I'm gradually feeling better again.

The resting does me good. It gives me the time I need to make up my mind where to go and what to do next. So far I have not made a decision, but I'm thinking about the various options I've got. Such as:
- keep renting the room a bit longer
- give up the room but stay in Sydney a bit longer, in my van
- spend some time at Evelyn's and Richard's B&B place
- make a trip by flight to Perth or Adelaide for a week or two
- make a trip to New Zealand or Bali or Malaysia
- go to Europe for June -- maybe Iceland? -- and come back to Oz in July
- look for a working visa sponsor (bad timing for that with the current recession though)

I must admit that I do enjoy the comfort of living in a house and having my own room. To have a car is really good, and one you can live in is even better. But to have a desk, a chair and a computer with a fair Internet connection is quality of life too.

Autumn has officially started in April and you can begin to feel it. Until mid-May the climate should be pretty okay here in Sydney, then it will get noticeably colder.

My finances are still okay, but I now begin to regret some of the expenses I've spent here. My feeling is that I should live as frugal (sparsam) as possible, while still enjoying my holidays for a bit longer before going back to the treadmill of a full-time office job. I'm making a start today by selling some of the stuff I no longer need, and I found a storage space in Sydney in someone's private house where I can put some of my stuff (via LETS).

Based on my feeling that I could, possibly, have a better long-term life here than in Germany, I started to research other visa options that would allow me to start up an own small business, but that seems to be hopeless. I would have to have my own overseas business running for years before I can apply for a business owner visa in Australia. To apply for an investor visa, I'd need to have $1,500,000 to invest.

So it seems that I still only have the three options of a) sponsored working visa, b) skilled migration visa, c) partner visa. Each of these has their disadvantages... for c) I'd have to marry an Australian girl, so as of now this is just theoretically speaking!


ex-ce man said...

hi martin, in perth + umgebung (zum beispiel: fremantle)hältst du es sicher auch länger als 1-2 wochen aus. die kleine insel "rottnest island" fand ich auch gut. dort kann man auch übernachten, würde ich nächstes mal machen, sonst ist die zeit zum erkunden mit dem rad, oder bus zu knapp. auch die strände sind um perth sehr nett...

viel erfolg bei der entscheidungsfindung

gruß dennis

Martin Maurer said...

Danke, Dennis!