Wednesday, April 15, 2009

River Island

My last station before going back to Sydney was River Island Nature Retreat, a nudist resort. The drive to there was considerably longer than I thought and very adventurous. The resort is located 40 km away from the next village, on the bottom of a valley, with nothing but nature around it.

The owners, Colin and Katina, bought this land and built up the resort with their own hands 25 years ago. The story is amazing. Today it has a beautiful pool & spa area, cabins, caravans and sites for camping. Just 2 days ago, they said, they had 500(!) guests here over the Easter weekend. Now there are less than 10 people, as far as I could see. The spa was nice to relax. They have a sauna too -- wood heated! -- but they heat it only once per week.

They don't officially say so, but they seem to be the biggest nudist resort in all of Australia. I was very impressed by how beautiful and skillful they have built all the facilities here. And I like the owner's philosophy of not having too many rules and bans, but trusting in the guest's sensibility and common sense -- e.g. regarding taking photos in the area. If I were to build my own resort, I would do it very similar -- start small and build up bit by bit.

The resort has no fence around, as none is needed. You can walk into wilderness, wearing nothing but shoes, a hat, sunscreen, and a smile on your face. There are walking tracks on both sides of the river and up the hills, and if you have a 4WD car you can also go on some roads there and have fun with that. At dusk the animals come into the place -- I saw two big wombats munching the grass.

These photos were all taken with a tripod and a timer, and I think they came out really well. You can leave your hat on...


ex-CE man said...

hi martin, ich bin ein kumpel von cori und "verfolge" deinen blog seit eurer gemeinsamen rundreise. du scheinst mir echt ein aufgeweckter zeitgenosse zu sein ! ich hoffte inständig, dass keine badehosenfotos mehr von dir gepostet werden. nun wird es auch noch umgesetzt, verdammt so habe ich das nun auch nicht gemeint :-) deine berichte und landschaftsaufnahmen sind echt klasse. im januar 2008 war ich für 4 wochen in australien unterwegs, die zeit verging wie im flug und selbst diese eindrücke sind immer präsent.

weiterhin viel spaß und bleib gesund

gruß aus berlin

Martin Maurer said...

Hallo Dennis,

Ah du bist der! Cori hat mir schon deinen Kommentar uebermittelt. ;)

Dankeschoen fuer dein Lob, freut mich sehr! Aber: Was in aller Welt hast du gegen eine voellig neutrale schwarze Badehose einzuwenden? Mal abgesehen davon dass ich lieber FKK mache, kann ich darin keinen schlechten Geschmack erkennen... Boxershorts mag ich nicht, die kleben so nass am Bein... und wie Borat will ich nun wirklich nich rumlaufen...

ex-CE man said...

hi martin, diese art badehose erinnert mich an bademeister mit dicken bäuchen, oder an die elterngeneration. egal geschmack ist verschieden. ich favorisiere badeshorts, die nicht am bein kleben :-) aber den borat kannst du ruhig mal nachstellen.

gruß dennis

Srinivas Garimella said...

Very Funny :)... I was wondering about the photographer until I read that these were taken with a TriPod ... ;)