Monday, April 27, 2009


Last night I honoured I my Christmas present from my sister Monika. A visit to Govindas, which is an Indian vegetarian restaurant with a cinema above and has a combined "dinner and movie" offer. The food was a buffet, and was excellent. The movie was not bad either, Clint Eastwood in "Gran Torino". But the thing I liked best were the cinema seats. They are not normal seats but giant mattresses with big cushions. You can take your shoes off, stretch your legs and make yourself perfectly comfortable. Why don't they build more cinemas like this?

I had invited Xiabing to join me. She's a Chinese student here in Sydney and I came to know her through her friend and former study mate of Nicola, who became a friend of my parents when she visited Augsburg 2 years ago. We've been in chat contact since last year, but somehow we couldn't catch up before. So it's good we finally met, just in time before I'm leaving Sydney.

Thank you Moni, this was a great present! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ja cool martin, wollte noch sagen, dass ich mich natürlich sehr freue, dass das Kinoessen noch geklappt hat und vor allem, dass es ne nette Sache war! Bye, bye,

Gute Reise und all the best!